Need a Europass?

Information About Europass Mobility

The Europass Mobility is a personal document, which is used to record an organized period of time (a mobility experience) that a person spends in another European country for the purpose of learning or training. Read more
If you are interested in making a Europass mobility document for yourself, your school will need to apply for Europass first.
Your school is the sending organization.

Read first the information and instructions. See below link to national Europass centers. Start well on time with the procedure to obtain a Europass.

  • for information how to apply for Europass click here
  • for the link to national centers click here.
Prepare before asking for the signature of BC Academy
After getting the Europass you have to fill in yourself as much as possible.
  • Example of filling in your Europass mobility. Part 1: general: Europass Mobility Draff You will find here also information about Europass. NOTE: recently the template of Europass has been changed. See examples of the new template on this website. The information on the document above, Part 1 general,  has been filled in on the old template, but information about Host partner (BC Academy) is correct. For 15 you fill in details about BC Academy. You don’t fill in 16 to 20.
  • Example of filling in your Europass mobility. Part 2: topics and programs of BC Academy.
Signature by BC Academy. 
NOTE: some countries have online systems for preparing Europass. Please contact for information.
We can only sign Europasses during or after the courses, not before the course.

Option 1 (preference). Send it after the course by mail to for signature and stamp. In this case, your Europass will be signed by the Head of BC Academy Course Administration.

You have to fill in the Europass as much as possible (see option 2). Leave open fields: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 (old template); leave open 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 (new template).

If you send it as a word doc the administration will be able to modify it and type missing information in open fields. If you send it as pdf, the open fields will be filled in by hand. The course administration will send it to you signed and stamped as a scanned version.

Option 2. Bring your Europass to the course to be signed.
  1. You apply  for a Europass well in time. See the link to information on top of this page.
  2. Before the course you fill in the Europass as much as possible. See examples on this page.
  3. In field 17 you fill in BC Academy as host organisation (see example). Leave open fields: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. BC Academy always needs to be mentioned as host organisation, also for courses outside Turkey. NOTE: new template leave open: 16 to 20. 
  4. Bring the Europass printed but also digital as a word doc so that you can make changes if needed.
  5. During the course you can ask the trainer to fill in the open fields 19 to 22 and to sign in field 18 and 37a. In this case it will usually be only signature and no stamp. Europass requires stamp and/or signature. NOTE: new template: Euneos administrator or trainer fills in 16 to 20. Signature of trainer or BC Academy course administrator.